A Trip to Pérez Art Museum Miami
National Kayla Nixon National Kayla Nixon

A Trip to Pérez Art Museum Miami

Something I never really considered about seeing art across the country is how much culture and geographic location can influence the collection of work shown at a museum. At Perez Art Museum Miami (PAMM), I was introduced to the work of several Latinx artists, a group whom I’ve not had the privilege of seeing much in museums before now.

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My Favorite Art Museums in NYC
National Kayla Nixon National Kayla Nixon

My Favorite Art Museums in NYC

The city of New York is art itself, and it’s the kind of place you go to experience art as a lover of the craft, but also the kind of place you go to repeatedly discover all you don’t know about art. I don’t think I have ever been to New York and not gone to a museum, which is a statement.

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