Inside Norfolk’s Chrysler Museum of Art
Once upon a time, I was a student at Old Dominion University. I did a photoshoot for my 21st birthday at the Chrysler Museum of Art, and nearly ten years later, I spent New Year’s Eve at the same museum. Being there brought back so many memories, but I mostly found myself wondering if I would have done anything differently knowing what I know now.
Norfolk has a vibrant, contemporary art scene where you can see colorful murals, art galleries, and performance spaces all over the city, but as a college student, I didn’t take full advantage of living in a new city for four years. The Chrysler Museum is a centralized collection of over 30,000 works spanning 5,000 years of history. It also features the renowned Perry Glass Studio in an adjacent building.
I always find myself drawn to the contemporary art in any museum, and the Chrysler was no different. I will always love to see the work of Mark Rothko and more recently Georgia O'Keefe, but also love to see local artists featured in their hometown museum and of course the ever-provocative work of Black artists.
Black Door with Red, Georgia O'Keeffe
Soundsuit, Nick Cave
Shabazz, Gene Davis
Virgin, Faig Ahmed
Offering Vessel III, Pinaree Sanpitak
No. 5 (Untitled), Mark Rothko